Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
today i took a walking venture to stanley's fruit and vegetable, on north and elston. it came highly recommended, and i was not let down price-wise, although perhaps a little too packed to the gills with the yuppie crowd. but i am becoming more accustomed to that the more i wander around wicker park.
for 37 and some change i bought
1/2 lb red pepper
1/2 lb black pepper
1/2 lb salt
1/2 gallon soy milk
1 lb tofu
1 lb sunflower seeds
1 bunch organic kale
1 acorn squash
1 bag of naan bread
1 can of tomato paste
1 leek
1 red cabbage
1 large container of olive oil (they feature re-usable bottles! hurrah)
2 artichokes
3 onions
3 potatoes
3 carrots
5 green apples
6 bananas
many mushrooms
a january miracle. and then i bought 2 pillows for 6 dollars at kmart WHAT HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE
i also learned two new fiddle songs. good day.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
yum yum pesto tofu zuke pasta
although my family was in italy for christmas, alas, i was not, due to extenuating circumstances and an unfortunate series of events which resulted in non-EU residing.
adam was very worried about holiday malaise, being as i was alone for the actual holiday. truthfully, i didn’t mind. on christmas eve, the kittens and i made sushi and sashimi, enjoyed some champagne in front of the wood stove and watched “the office”. it was perfect.
upon the re-entry of the fam, we celebrated second christmas, a heart-touching and sentimental holiday, full of foreign gifts, including the individual serving-size packs of nutella, farro (=/ spelt!) soup, and, of course, a bookmark calendar of rome’s gattos.
one particularly nice present was a jar of pesto, from up north in italy, made from sunflower seeds and basil. the cupboards are a bit bare here, so to speak, but there was a mélange of vegetables, some half-thawed tofu, a sad little stub of zucchini, along with whole wheat pasta. i was all pumped about a tasty vegan meal, but forgot the italians lovveeeeeee to pump up pesto with some parm.
adam was going out to a show (buckman page) later on, i had (overly ambitious) plans to join him, so it was a quick dinner – sauteed broccoli, zucchini and ½ package of frozen and thawed tofu, when brown and tasty, i threw in some pesto to warm up a bit. splash over pasta and done! easy.
i turned out to be a total old lady, did some etsy crocheting (stay tuned!) and passed out at 9. so sad.
Monday, January 12, 2009
oh, for shame
dear reader(s),
once again, i apologize for the lack of posts. this is due mostly to a 40-hour work week, which, unsurprisingly enough, does not leave much time for the interwebs.
in the interim, i have (in list form)
came across a place to live rent-free for january 16th to march 1st
sold my first piece on etsy
pieced two more log-cabin squares for a queen-sized quilt
finished the corrugated ribbing on a second komi mitten
acquired a pith helmet at a twelfth night party, along with a hangover
nursed said acquisition delicately and lovingly (hangover, not helmet. must find way to return pith)
enjoyed a delicious vegan tofu, sweet potato and kale hash at the flying saucer
learned my first fiddle song
counted the days until i will never have to listen to quark again
frolicked about in the snow
stumbled upon a free wine tasting, every Friday at five.
adam and i will be moving into a gorgeous two bedroom wicker park apartment for the next six weeks, in exchange for providing cat care. expect pictures of cats soon! and then, by march 1, hopefully we will both have full-time employment and be able to rent our own place, without fears of hobo-like eviction.
there have been many discussions in the past couple of weeks re: life plans, and the general consensus seems to be that staying in chicago is the goal. there were opportunities to relocate elsewhere, most notably honolulu, hi or portland, or, but i have been living in chicago for three months now. i have a gym membership, i’m taking fiddle lessons, i’ve met some neat folks. i want to have cats, and pictures, and weird thrifted furniture. adam and i have been nomadic squatters, or so it seems, since august. it’s time to stop moving about and settle down for a little while (never fear, marriage is not part of this settling, although it is a weird feeling to have adam referred to as my husband at parties).
Saturday, January 3, 2009
new year’s resolutions.
one. gym. shooting for 3 or 4 times a week.
two. get jacqueminot.etsy off the ground.
three. make some new lady friends in chicago. if you are a funny lady who enjoys baking and thrift stores, please get in touch.
four. stop worrying!
five. get into phd program.
six. adopt kittens.
those are my goals . . . stay tuned if they miraculously all happen.
here is a unnecessary and irrelevant picture of nora-cat. KITTENS.