Tuesday, January 13, 2009

yum yum pesto tofu zuke pasta

although my family was in italy for christmas, alas, i was not, due to extenuating circumstances and an unfortunate series of events which resulted in non-EU residing.

adam was very worried about holiday malaise, being as i was alone for the actual holiday. truthfully, i didn’t mind. on christmas eve, the kittens and i made sushi and sashimi, enjoyed some champagne in front of the wood stove and watched “the office”. it was perfect.

upon the re-entry of the fam, we celebrated second christmas, a heart-touching and sentimental holiday, full of foreign gifts, including the individual serving-size packs of nutella, farro (=/ spelt!) soup, and, of course, a bookmark calendar of rome’s gattos.

one particularly nice present was a jar of pesto, from up north in italy, made from sunflower seeds and basil. the cupboards are a bit bare here, so to speak, but there was a mélange of vegetables, some half-thawed tofu, a sad little stub of zucchini, along with whole wheat pasta. i was all pumped about a tasty vegan meal, but forgot the italians lovveeeeeee to pump up pesto with some parm.

adam was going out to a show (buckman page) later on, i had (overly ambitious) plans to join him, so it was a quick dinner – sauteed broccoli, zucchini and ½ package of frozen and thawed tofu, when brown and tasty, i threw in some pesto to warm up a bit. splash over pasta and done! easy.

i turned out to be a total old lady, did some etsy crocheting (stay tuned!) and passed out at 9. so sad.

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