on the knitting front, i finished my leaf foliage scarf. overall, was not terribly pleased with it. the malabrigo lace weight was beautiful; really soft, gorgeous tonal monochromatic color that's hard to find. but the lace gauge given was really a little too dense for my taste and oh my god did this project drag on. blergh.
BUT moving away from tiny yarn and needles for a bit, i have recently acquired a new macbook as a grad gift and it is beautiful and shiny and still has that fantastic new-electronic-smell [sometimes i sniff its gorgeously white keyboard]. to protect the lil'guy, i've been swaddling him in scarves, but he deserves something custom, something tailored and lovingly made.
enter entrelac! it's one thing i have still never done, even after 10+ odd years as a knitter. there's a similar sleeve somewhere on the interwebs but googling is failing at the moment.
i'm following this tutorial and i'll tell you, this shit is easy.
i'm going to try alternating colors on the rows simply because this is meant to clean out some of the yarn lingering in tupperware underneath beds. then maybe some sort of decorative embroidery joining-stitch? i'm going to do two rectangles and take it from there!
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