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uff-da, as they say in minnesota. it's been a long week! to counter-act eight odd days of no-writing, i plan to do a whirl-wind recap of the past days, tourist-style. then, i promise you, dear (1) reader who probably is my mom, to do a better job. for sure.
above and above, the crypt at st.martins-in-the-field. it's been renovated into a cafe, so as there are groups of smartly-dressed businessmen milling about with roasted red peppers and goat cheese, there are also worn-down tombstones scattered over the floor. weird juxtaposition, but a brillant idea to re-brand your church and pump in a little extra cash flow . . .
the admiralty arch, built by king edward vii in honor of his mum, queen victoria. he didn't live to see the completion.
also, these pictures are a bit out of order. fyi.
obligatory-tourist-picture of emma in front of parliament and big ben. it was wicked windy, and the clouds were awesome.
the sun cresting down behind westminster abbey.
obligatory-tourist-picture out front of buckingham palace. asked some nice american woman with a huge vera bradley bag to take it. she seemed confused by the notion.
gardens in front of buckingham palace.
buckingham gardens. we saw these weird black birds - shaped like guinea hens, but with a white-tipped beak and they had webbed feet, but the webs weren't connected to each other like ducks or geese . . . very strange.we also sampled london pizza hut, enjoyed two cheap seats to see "wicked" and frolicked a bit on the night bus home.
that is all.
more to come. pinky swear.
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