shirt : h+m
belt : thrifted
skirt : thrifted
tights : h+m
shoes : primark
bracelets : primark
plus black cardigan, target, not in picture. all re-mixed, save shoes and bracelets.
this picture is funny to me because i generally think i am way way taller than the actuality. like, if you asked me to show you someone with an equivalent height, i'd eyeball like a 5'6"/7" woman. i think i'm as tall as adam sometimes.
BUT as reality shows, i am a head above the ironing board. awesome. i'm a secret tall girl trapped in a 5'2" frame! ahhh!
anyway, other than having existential height crises, i realize i haven't been posting a lot, or any, really, wardrobe pictures - there are a few reasons for such.
1. i live out of a backpack, ergo
2. i wear the same five outfits repeatedly, which is
3. vaguely boring to me, so i'm not inclined to share with the interwebs.
anyway. here is today. it is cloudy and brisk outside here [surprise], so the wool skirt is in order.
p.s. primark is the poor [british] man's clothes section of target. it smells like what i imagine a sweatshop does, but it's cheap by american standards. hot damn.
p.p.s. this post also features a corner of the lovely emma's lovely spare room - where we are camping out hobo-style.
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