took a foray into the salvation army in brunswick, maine. and, boy howdy, what a great trip! i spent the evening taking up hems and sewing in side seams.
i do find it difficult to find clothes in thrift stores that are in my sizes (generally 2-6, depending on vintage or not/particular manufacturer), but many clothes in the size 10 and up range. so, either my fellow petite ladies of chicago, montreal and maine are buying up these sizes before i do so, or larger women donate more clothes to thrift stores, or the populations of these cities are skewed towards those specific sizes. i believe the average woman is a size 8, so perhaps that is a factor. it seems as if there is some belief that the surrounding area heavily influences the selection found; i have certainly heard the advice "go to thrift stores in wealthy areas" often, but i am curious to whether those stores offer a better selection. i do not shop at particularly "affluent" thrift stores, and i come across designer brands fairly often. can you predict demographics through donations made to thrift stores? CURIOUS.
tshirts for mr. adam. wolves, a la flight of the concords. tacky gold fish (jury is out whether or not he will wear this). adam is building a collection of old portland sports-themed tshirts, and the purple one is courtesy of "hamlin", number 11. thanks.
deadstock birthday cards.
they were (apparently) dead-stock, which accounts for the lack of names that were not "ron", "craig", "debbie", "christy". same names as those fantastic birthday cards above. and since i do not have any friends who were born during the 70s, we have taken on alter egos. good for quick bike get-aways.
what a great thrift trip, about $16 in all. i found a couple of neat mugs and books at the goodwill, but that can be photographed in a bit.
tomorrow = chicago!
i am looking forward to seeing adam . . . i miss him very much.
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