Thursday, August 14, 2008

slowly surely

getting back to cooking.

as i am living at home, i don't do the shopping. and cooking for myself is likely to be whatever can be improvised from the fridge.

in montreal, i went food shopping several times a week and cooked almost every meal. sarah, van and i got sloppy towards the end and succumbed to dominos perhaps one time too many, but i genuinely enjoyed trying new recipes and shocking the roommates with what i planned to put in my mouth [kd and hamburger helper were staples for 2/3rds of the apartment].

yesterday, i made diy peanut butter cups. they do not photograph well, as they bear a striking resemblance to cow patties. i subbed regular sugar for the confectioners and some sort of gourment melting chocolate i found in the pantry - pretty tasty! i think i actually prefer the slightly crunchy texture of regular sugar. yum.

today, i embarked from normal lunch laziness and made a much modifed hot and sour soup. lacking any sort of leafy green vegetable, i added tofu, mystery dried mushrooms and sprouts. no mirin, but added a couple of tbls of honey to make up for its sweetness. lots of sriracha and reading about esl in thailand and it turned out pretty good.

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